Omaxe Commercial SCO In World Street Faridabad

Omaxe World Street SCO

Omaxe World Street in Sector 79, Faridabad, is a pioneering new development with integrated land use options that is akin to developments in the West. Definitely the best investment OWS is an integrated development that emphasizes lifestyle and supports the idea of “Walk to the Best of Everything.

It is Delhi/NCR’s biggest CBD (Central Business District), spanning 100 acres. Omaxe WS provides cutting-edge SCOs (Shop cum Office space), based on well-known streets throughout the globe, such as London Street, Athens Street, Hong-Kong Street, etc., featuring office/Retail Space with Limited Edition of Residential Apartments, Multiplex with Multi-Level Parking and Food Courts.

An enormous appreciation is predicted for Omaxe World Street, an attractive commercial development with high-end stores (SCO).

Faridabad city has developed in the real estate market over the last several years and is now positioned to attract high-end financiers and end-users searching for residential and commercial properties.

In terms of infrastructure, connection, safety, and recognition, Omaxe WS is the top location in Faridabad City, which is currently acknowledged as an investment center in the NCR Region.

Omaxe SCO provides top-notch architecture of absolute divinity that astounds everyone with its flawlessly constructed design.

With SCO shop sizes ranging from 200 square yards to 400 square yards, you may choose the ideal outlet to amplify your brand or company by giving consumers the finest outcomes and making a premium profit every day.

Omaxe Hi-Fun is the location that only provides you with food courts, gaming zones, and guaranteed returns that are worth your investment when it comes to fun and food, entertainment, and earnings.


Omaxe Commercial SCO In World Street Faridabad

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